no one can know the absolute truth - we can
only speculate on it. questions such as why we are here, why there is something
instead of nothing at all, what the ultimate purpose of life is, what the
universe is, what god is, can never really be answered by human beings and we
can only speculate on the answers. there’s so much we can never know, yet it's
worthwhile and enjoyable to ask questions and use logic in our speculations.
religion and science both try to offer
explanations and answers, and both have their strengths as well as their
limitations. religion's greatest strengths are its emphasis on moral values
such as charity, and its focus on developing a concept of god and of how we can
serve god. presently each religion's greatest limitation is its assumption that
it has the most developed understanding of god and that it is therefore the only
true religion or the truest religion. religions have also been so attached to
their teachers and teachings from the past that they have frequently been very
resistant to any fundamental or even minor changes in their belief systems.
religion has relied heavily on authority figures for its credibility; we have
been told that prophets and sages have brought us truth from god and therefore
we should not disagree with any of their teachings and understandings.
science's greatest strengths are its openness to change its theories to be more
in agreement with its observations, and its heavy reliance on observation to
verify its theories. presently science's greatest limitation is that it mostly
restricts itself from considering subjects of great importance such as god,
oneness, consciousness, peace, and love, for these are entities and concepts
which are mostly beyond our ability to measure, and science has instead only
investigated and considered that which it could somehow try to measure. science
has concerned itself only minimally with moral issues, with questions such as
how we should live and how we should treat our fellow humans beings and other
living beings in our world.
obviously with so many people on our planet
at the time of this writing still starving, hungry or malnourished, and with so
many wars and acts of violence still raging around the world, there is truth
that is much needed by our species that neither religion nor science has yet
presented to us or made clear enough to us. both religion and science can
derive real benefit from each other as they each open more to each other's
greatest strengths, and as this happens we all will benefit considerably. may
religion keep growing less resistant and more open to scientific inquiries and
observations; may science keep growing less resistant and more open to
considering ideas and theories which are mostly beyond its ability to measure or
verify, and to accepting and feeling in one way or another the existence of god.
the greatest bridge can be drawn between
science and religion as we observe the skies and contemplate and speculate about
the universe and what it is. it's awesome as we discover how incomprehensively
large the universe is, and how much we might never understand about it.
first, let's stop making the mistake of
confusing our observable universe with the universe itself. the more powerful
the telescopes that astronomers and cosmologists have used, the larger our
observable universe has become, and the universe likely extends far beyond
anything we can now measure or will ever be able to measure. for some time the
vast majority of astronomers mistakenly assumed that the universe itself did not
extend beyond our milky way galaxy, which for technological reasons was then the
limit of our observable universe, and most astronomy and cosmology books are
still failing to distinguish between our observable universe and the universe
itself. in this essay from the beginning we will distinguish between our
observable universe and the universe itself, and will sometimes refer to the
universe itself as simply the universe.
the universe is incredible beyond
description. there are hundreds of billions of stars in our milky way galaxy,
and by some estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in our present
observable universe, and there is likely so much more beyond. except for some
irregular dwarf galaxies which are much closer to us, the andromeda galaxy is
our nearest neighboring galaxy and is approximately two and a half million
light-years away, it takes that many years for light to travel from there to
here. light travels so fast that it journeys from our moon to our planet earth
in just one and a third seconds, yet from even the nearest galaxy light must
journey 2.5 million years to reach us. our milky way galaxy is approximately
100,000 light years in diameter, so out there about 25 times that distance is
andromeda galaxy, with even considerably more stars than our milky way. and
some astronomers estimate there are hundreds of billions of galaxies further
beyond in all directions in the realm that constitutes our observable universe
at the time of this writing. how can we begin to comprehend hundreds of
billions of galaxies and all the stars and other things they contain in our
observable universe? each galaxy like a mini-universe, an island universe, so
large in and of itself, and with such vast distances out to its neighbor
galaxies. the milky way galaxy alone is so amazingly vast. the orbit of our
planet around our sun compared to the size of our galaxy is reckoned to be like
the size of a pinhead compared to the size of north america. one light-year is
5.88 trillion miles, or 9.46 trillion kilometers. nine trillion, four hundred
and sixty billion (9,460,000,000,000) kilometers light travels in one year, and
yet it must travel more than two million years to get to our nearest galaxy.
and so far away beyond us are so many other galaxies, etcetera. the size of our
observable universe is so awesome and incomprehensible, and the universe itself
might extend so much more beyond. the universe is such a great mystery.
in the year 1600 of the common era, brother
giordano bruno was burned alive by catholic church authorities for refusing to
renounce his belief that our sun was one of an endless number of stars in an
infinite universe that contained infinite space. less than a hundred years
later brother isaac newton also declared his belief that the universe is
infinite. we will never know if the universe is totally infinite, or if
anything is, yet the universe is probably as close to being infinite as anything
could possibly be.
approximately 329 years after the death of
brother giordano bruno, brother edwin hubble, using what was then our world's
most powerful telescope at the palomar observatory in california, published a
book declaring that the (observable) universe is more than our milky way galaxy,
that there are a vast number of galaxies beyond our galaxy, that many of these
galaxies are located in clusters with other galaxies and with vast spaces
between the clusters of galaxies, and that almost all of these clusters of
galaxies are rushing away from our galaxy and from each other, they are part of
something which is expanding. there are a few exceptions to this general trend
of expansion; for example our milky way galaxy and our neighboring andromeda
galaxy are expected to collide in a few billion years as they revolve around
each other in a gravitational dance, and our local group cluster of
galaxies which is shaped like a cigar with the milky way at one end and which is
at the edge of the virgo supercluster containing thousands of galaxies is
being gravitationally pulled to the center of that supercluster about 50 million
light-years away from us - these are exceptions, and on a more macro scale
expansion seems to be the rule in the observable universe.
our newly gained knowledge of the existence
of numerous clusters and superclustsers of galaxies rushing away from each other
is what led to the big bang theory, which maintains that all the galaxies
came out of one extremely, indescribably dense and hot point which was all once
the size of a grapefruit and even much smaller before that; it came out of
nothingness, or it hovered as virtually nothing for almost an eternity of time,
until something somehow rocked or happened, and then, big bang theory states,
the big bang was born out of a singularity. according to a theory about
the big bang called inflation, all of the vast realm of the observable universe
is but a tiny fraction of the big bang. and who knows, there might be a very
large number of other big bangs or other somethings besides our big bang. it
could likely be a mistake to equate the universe with our big bang because the
universe might be even much more than that. our telescopes will probably never
be able to reach beyond or even reach the end of our big bang. and even if our
telescopes were more powerful there is still much light from distant places in
the cosmos that has been traveling for billions of years and has not even
reached our planet yet.
less than seventy years after brother edwin
hubble announced his discoveries, two teams of scientists simultaneously
discovered that the clusters of galaxies are moving away from each other at an
accelerating rate of speed, that is, the expansion of the observable universe is
accelerating, it is expanding at an ever more rapid pace, and this accelerating
rate of expansion began when the observable universe was less than half of its
presently estimated age. some very mysterious and anti-gravitational force is
causing the observable universe to expand in an accelerated fashion, and
astronomers have called this mysterious force dark energy.
imagine that everything in the observable
universe was part of one organ in a near-infinite being made up of numerous
organs, that our observable universe was part of an organ that operates like a
heart, let's say. hearts expand and contract as we all know. why couldn't the
expansion of our observable universe, even its accelerated expansion, represent
merely the expansion phase of an incredibly large heart-like organ in a
near-infinite being? i'm not saying that it necessarily is, and at the same
time no one can prove that it necessarily isn't.
a few years before cosmologists had to deal
with the mystery of dark energy, they came upon another major mystery.
according to the laws of gravity as we have understood them, it has been
discovered that certain motions in the cosmos, such as the manner of rotation of
each galaxy on its axis, cannot be explained if the mass of the galaxy is
measured only by its stars, by its visible matter. the combined mass of each
galaxy's suns doesn't account for nearly enough gravitational energy to explain
why the suns and gas clouds in the outer regions of a galaxy are moving so fast
as they rotate around that galaxy's core, or to explain why those outer suns and
gas clouds don't just fly off into intergalactic space. there is a problem of
missing mass to account for the necessary gravitational energy within a galaxy
that would govern its observed rotational motion, and whatever mysterious entity
is producing the needed extra gravitational energy is called by astronomers
dark matter.
both dark energy and dark matter neither
generate nor reflect light, and at the time of this writing both of these
entities are incomprehensible mysteries to scientists. Astrophysicists have
recently been speculating that approximately 70% of the observable universe is
dark energy with an anti-gravitational effect, another 25% of the observable
universe is dark matter with a gravitational effect, and only 5% of the
observable universe is visible matter with a gravitational effect. it means we
are surrounded by mystery.
gravity is a form of energy that is so
powerful it can bend time and space, as brother albert einstein taught in his
theory of general relativity. the theory of black holes speculates that there
are places where gravitational energy is so overwhelming that anything at a
certain distance from one of these black holes is sucked into it and completely
vanishes in the singularity at its center. as hard as it is to
comprehend, black holes are thought to have the ability to eat up time and
space as well as mass. such a mystery - how can time and space just vanish? as
hard as it is for most of us to comprehend, brother albert einstein's theory of
relativity holds that mass, time and space are all fluctuating in relation to
each other instead of being absolute quantities. a clock for instance will tick
slower on the earth than on the moon, because gravity (and acceleration) slows
down time; a person who could travel at a speed approaching the speed of light
would age much slower as time slowed down. mass, space, time and velocity in
the universe are all affecting and shaping each other in an energy dance of
relativity that also stretches in and out of black holes. the theory of general
relativity assumes that nothing travels faster than the speed of light, and that
the laws of physics are the same everywhere. we might someday discover that
neither of these assumptions is correct, but for the purpose of studying the
observable universe the theory of relativity has been a tremendous tool and
could it be that dark matter might mostly be
a lot more black holes of all sizes, even very tiny ones, that we haven't yet
the more astronomy we learn the more
questions we have and the greater the mystery becomes. looking through our
telescopes we have not yet discovered any edge or any center of the observable
universe, and maybe we never will. as far away as we can observe we see
galaxies until they are too faint to be seen. the largest-scale structure that
we have been able to observe till now is that of clusters and superclusters of
galaxies joined together for hundreds of millions of light-years. stretched out
as long as this and surrounding these clusters of galaxies are huge voids of
space. maybe the voids are not nearly as empty as they look, maybe they and the
entire universe are full of types of energy that we can't begin to measure or
even imagine. as for the galaxies, might they be like nerve cells in an
indescribably immense being?
though observations seem to favor the big
bang theory, our observable universe is so mysterious that probably no one will
ever conclusively prove if it was or was not born in a big bang. in the event
that it was, there might also be many other big bangs or other manifestations
way out there in a nearly endless universe. again, what we call our big bang
might even be like an immense heart, expanding and later contracting, and maybe
even with the laws of physics changing as it does. i sometimes doubt the big
bang because it is so extreme and i don't know if god is such an extremist, with
a big bang of such extreme and indescribable temperatures and density and going
from so small to so incomprehensibly immense. but when it comes to the
universe, i'm just about open to any possibility.
we are all limited by our five senses, by our
brains, by our experiences, and by our measuring instruments. different people
will have different understandings of what is reality based on the information
they’re receiving and on how each of them with their unique chemistry perceives,
processes and interprets that information. there are any number of possible
ways to imagine the universe, and theories backed by mathematical equations
could probably be invented to give support to these various imaginings, and at
the same time this subject will probably always remain an unknowable mystery to
there was a time when i had convinced myself
that the universe is infinite, that it has no end. now i'm more inclined to
believe that the universe might not be infinite, that instead it might be
near-infinite, that is, it might be as close to infinite as anything can
possibly be without actually being infinite, there might be a place where it
ends. when i believed the universe is infinite i wrote, "the universe has no
edge, no boundary, no border, and any cosmic wall or barrier that might ever be
discovered will not mark its end and will merely signify the end of this part of
it...wherever there's any wall or end, something that is some form of energy or
another might exist beyond that wall or end, and it's all in the endless
universe." now i more feel that maybe the universe does have an end, where
everything just stops or fades out. maybe infinite and near-infinite are not so
different from each other in some ways - they’re both so amazing to contemplate,
and they’re both so hard to comprehend. how can something go on forever? and
if something seemingly ends because of some form of wall or barrier, why can't
there be something on the other side that represents some kind of continuation
of something or other? either way, whether the universe ends or not, it
contains beyond our imagination so much energy, so much mass and space and time,
and so many new things being created and transformed, and on the ultimate macro
level the universe might operate on some kind of steady-state principle, which
might include the creation and transformation of a number of big bangs or
whatever. i was once enthralled by the concept of an infinite universe, and now
i allow for the possibility and maybe even the probability that infinity itself
might be a flawed concept, that it might not exist, that it might not be
reachable. there might not be infinite mass, infinite space, endless time,
thinking about the universe really gets me
thinking about god. for me, god is the sum total of everything, god is the
largest entity i belong to. i was born into a family, a people, a species, this
world, this solar system, this galaxy, this cluster of galaxies...i belong to
all that. i belong to this realm of all the billions of galaxies around us, and
to everything beyond that, it is all one. i belong to the universe. i belong
to god. god is one. everyone and everything is inside that one, there is
nothing outside that one, there is nothing outside god. it is comforting to
believe that god is endless, that there is no point where god ends and something
else begins, that god is the endless all, that god includes all. yet in the
event that there is no infinity, then even god might end. we can still love god
as much, and help god as much, and want god’s love and help as much, whether
god doesn’t or does end.
since god includes everything that exists,
then god certainly includes the universe, and since god is one, then there's no
point where god ends and the universe begins, and maybe there’s no point where
the universe ends and where god continues without the universe, maybe god is
always with and of the universe and the universe is always with and of god,
maybe they are inseparable and indistinguishable from each other, they are one,
the oneness of god. either god created the universe or god is the universe and
both might be true, that god is creating the universe and god is the universe.
in the process of creating the universe, god is creating part of god, god is
creating god. instead of seeing two fields, god and universe, i prefer to see
one field which i can call goduniverse. instead of believing that a separate
god created the universe, i mostly believe that the universe is near-infinite
energy which is god, and that goduniverse is creating goduniverse and is being
affected by it. god's oneness almost requires that we not distinguish between
god and the universe, it's all one, and every aspect of the creation of the
universe is goduniverse creating goduniverse. goduniverse is all the causes and
all the effects in goduniverse, and the effects are also causes and the causes
are also effects. if there was a "first cause," maybe that first cause is
indistinguishable from goduniverse, it can be considered goduniverse as much as
it can be considered god, it is maybe one continuous process in the evolution
and development of god, of goduniverse. to believe that god and the universe
are one goduniverse is an ultimate affirmation of the faith that god is one.
all the galaxies and whatever is between them
or beyond them are all in goduniverse. the belief that god is not in any way
physical and that anything that's matter and energy cannot be considered
part of god is a mistaken notion, because it envisions such a limited god. the
vast observable universe and everything beyond our ability to observe is all in
god, every part of the universe is part of goduniverse. there might even be
energy in the universe which somehow exists even beyond mass, space and time,
and this energy too would be part of goduniverse. rather than believe that god
is beyond energy, beyond mass, space and time, and beyond any other dimensions
still unknown to us in which energy might somehow exist, i prefer to believe
that goduniverse can best be described as near-infinite energy made up of near
endless amounts of mass, space, time, gravity, black holes, anti-gravity, and
near endless amounts of worlds, of living beings, and of all the other
dimensions and forms of energy that might exist and that are beyond our ability
to observe, comprehend or imagine. the universe is so incredible that it proves
the existence of god, of goduniverse. how could anything as awesome as the
universe not be god, not be goduniverse? how could anything be more awesome
than goduniverse?
the belief that the so-called physical
and spiritual are two separate realms is probably an illusion.
everything physical is also spiritual and everything spiritual is also
physical. just think about the amazing thoughts you're having right now - it is
the so-called "physical" atoms and molecules doing their incredible dance in
your brain cells that are causing you to have all of these deep "spiritual"
thoughts and questions as you're reading these words, which proves that atoms
are a fundamental unit of spirit, of feeling, and that the physical world is
also the spiritual world. i believe that god's very essence and being is both
physical and spiritual which are actually one essence. each solar system can be
thought of as an atom, and each galaxy can be thought of as a cell, in god's
mind or brain or heart or body, however you wish to imagine it. if atoms and
molecules can fill our brain cells and our brains with feelings, then it is
quite possible that suns and solar systems and everything they contain including
life can fill each and every galaxy with very much feeling, and this as much as
anything else can be considered part of the mind of god, of goduniverse. the
mind of goduniverse includes galaxies, stars, black holes, anti-gravity, you,
me, and everything else that exists.
goduniverse, which is near-infinite if not
infinite, does not have one center but rather a near endless number of centers.
everything in goduniverse is being influenced by fields of energy and is also
influencing those fields of energy, everything is both a cause and an effect and
is a result of the near endless chains of cause and effect which make up
near-infinity. any person or planet or atom or star or galaxy or anything
anywhere is just as much a center in goduniverse. when every human being truly
understands that each other human being is just as much a center in goduniverse,
then murder will disappear from our world, for we will all understand that to
attack anyone is to attack god, not because the person being attacked is god
since god is much more than that person, rather because that person belongs just
as much to god, is just as much a part of god, is just as much a center in god,
is just as holy as anyone or anything else in goduniverse. gone will be the
days when people will kill each other in the name of god, gone will be the days
when people will kill each other at all.
my god is not a godhead that manages
the universe or that could be distinguished from it. my god is a near endless
head, body, being that each and all of us are in, and just as much a part of,
and just as much a center of. perhaps nothing in goduniverse is more creator or
more creation, everything is both being created and is creating at the same
time. the near endless chains of cause and effect energy transformations in
goduniverse, in which each thing is an effect of other things and at the same
time is a cause which is affecting other things, further suggest to me that any
distinction between creator and creation is perhaps an illusion in
our minds.
i prefer to make no distinction between the
spiritual and the physical, between god and the universe, between creator and
creation; i believe all such distinctions and dichotomies are likely to be
illusions in our minds and cause judgment and suffering in our world.
according to physics it takes energy to
transform energy. whatever would be capable of creating the universe would
require an indescribable amount of energy, and instead of assuming two fields of
energy, one that would be a creator god and another that would be a created
universe, i see and feel one field of energy that is goduniverse. goduniverse
is a near-infinite amount of energy, it is as much energy as could possibly
exist, and in this energy, atoms, suns, planets, galaxies, black holes,
mysterious anti-gravity, and many other things including no doubt many other
realities which we're not aware of, are constantly being born and are existing
as happenings in goduniverse and are being transformed into other forms of
energy in goduniverse. everything that exists, exists as a happening in
goduniverse, and is involved both in being created and in creating at the same
there are people alive at the time of this
writing who can remember when the universe was considered to be our milky way
galaxy and no more. now some astronomers estimate that in our present
observable universe there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. since
telescopes were invented we humans have been repeatedly discovering that our
observable universe is more vast than most of us had previously thought or ever
imagined. so let us be open to the possibility of a goduniverse that is near
endlessly vast, far beyond our ability to observe, to comprehend, to imagine.
after all, the observable universe that we can see through telescopes already
extends far beyond any size that we are able to mentally grasp, and goduniverse
is even so much more vast. something as incomprehensibly vast and energetic as
the observable universe is a profound sign to us that nothing would be more vast
and more overpowering than goduniverse itself, that nothing would extend beyond
goduniverse and that if anything is infinite or near-infinite it is goduniverse.
it would be worthwhile at this point just to
try to contemplate again the vastness of the observable universe. if the
distance from the earth to the sun could be thought of as a quarter of an inch
(about 6 millimeters), then on that same scale the nearest star from our sun
would be a full mile (about 1.6 kilometers) away, one of hundreds of billions of
stars in our galaxy, and the nearest regular galaxy from our galaxy would be
about 500,000 miles (roughly 800,000 kilometers) away on that same scale. so a
map showing the earth to be a quarter of an inch from the sun would have to be
about 500,000 miles long just to show the nearest regular galaxy to our galaxy.
astronomers have photographed numerous other galaxies and believe there are
maybe hundreds of billions of galaxies within our observable universe, not to
mention what lies beyond. the actual distance between the earth and the sun is
about 93 million miles (about 150 million kilometers). our distance to the next
nearest star is about 250,000 times our distance to the sun, and our distance to
the nearest regular galaxy beyond ours is about 125 billion times our distance
to the sun. and beyond that nearest galaxy are those estimated hundreds of
billions of galaxies in our observable universe, and beyond that is so much
more. we are really lost trying to comprehend the vastness of goduniverse. the
truth is we can't at all imagine the vastness of the observable universe, and
goduniverse is so much more, it's completely unfathomable.
is there other life out there? the answer is
so likely yes. i felt for a long time that other suns had planets before this
was recently confirmed by telescopes. maybe life evolves on at least one or
more planets in the history of most solar systems with one sun. half or so of
all the solar systems, unlike our solar system, have two or more suns orbiting
around each other. a solar system with two suns is called a binary star. (the
unaided eye sees the two stars as one). three stars held together by gravity in
one solar system are called a triple star. solar systems with two, three or
more stars are called multiple star systems or multiple stars. most of the
stars closest to our sun are multiple stars. life would be more likely to
emerge in solar systems containing one sun than in multiple star solar systems,
for the planets of multiple star systems would have less stable and more
eccentric orbits, and therefore would experience harsher extremes of
temperature, etc. it is reasonable to speculate that most stars have planets,
and that somewhere in most solar systems, or at least in most single star solar
systems, life in some form or another is in the process of coming or going. we
are living witnesses that our planet is a world full of life. we can view the
emergence of life more as a rare exception, or more as a normal occurrence in
goduniverse; given the fact that we the living do indeed exist here on planet
earth, it is less likely that life is a rare exception and more likely that life
is a normal occurrence in goduniverse, and this seems all the more so when we
consider how average our own sun and galaxy are. given the near-infinite number
of planets that exist in all the solar systems beyond ours, it's reasonable to
assume that there are so many other worlds out there with life, and the
questions we ask here are probably being asked wherever there are galaxies in
goduniverse, and the wonder we feel here is probably being felt in countless
worlds in countless galaxies in goduniverse.
we are many we are one - this is also a
description of and another name for goduniverse when the we is understood
to be near-infinite and includes everyone and everything everywhere.
why have most earlier teachings about god and
the universe drawn such a sharp distinction between them and seen them basically
as two entities instead of one? for one thing, since each of us was created by
our parents and is a separate entity from them, so we have imagined that the
universe was created by god and is a separate entity from god. till now most
people have preferred to see god as the parent of the universe rather than see
god and the universe as one. and humanity has mostly not yet developed a sheer
awe at the enormity of the universe.
another reason why so many of us have created
such a distinction between god and the universe till now has to do with how
we've regarded things which we consider to be in the so-called physical realm.
"physical" things have often been regarded as course, low, gross or dirty in
comparison with the so-called spiritual, which has been regarded as being
something on a much higher level. till now most human beings have been
considering the universe as "physical" in essence and god as spiritual in
essence, and since "the physical" has been so distinguished from the spiritual
in most of our minds, with the former being viewed negatively in comparison with
the latter, it has been hard for many to accept that god could include "the
physical," and this has reinforced the distinction they've been making in their
minds between god and the universe. one might resist for instance that
something as seemingly "low" as a rock or dirt could be part of god. the
universe also contains the waste matter of a near endless number of living
creatures, and there are those who could not bear the thought of this waste
matter being in and part of god, yet where could it possibly be if it's not in
god, for god is near-infinite and includes all things in all places. to suggest
that god does not include waste matter is to imply that god does not include the
living creatures which produce, contain and excrete it, and this would be
placing an erroneous limitation on god. i believe that everything we've been
considering "physical," including our waste matter, is in god and part of god.
feelings of embarrassment or resistance in connection with this idea probably
have as much to do with our toilet training as with anything else. i don't
think anything less of god because of all the waste matter from living creatures
which god contains in addition to everything else. in the worlds which contain
life in goduniverse, this waste matter is used as nourishment or for various
purposes by numerous biological organisms and is indispensable to their
existence, which means that ultimately it is indispensable to the existence of
very many other forms of life which are interdependent. the day will come when
knowing about all this waste matter in goduniverse and knowing about its
biological importance will only add to our appreciation of god. in life we take
so much from god, and excreting out the food we eat is one of the things we can
give back to god.
still another reason why so many people have
made such a sharp distinction between god and the universe till now has to do
with our attempts to explain the existence of evil. there has been evil in this
world, people have been terribly violated to death; if this world is in god then
that means that the evil in this world is also in god. we've been reluctant to
believe that evil could exist as a force in god and we haven't wanted to blame
god for the evil that exists, we've preferred to blame human beings for the evil
that exists, and this philosophy of looking to cast blame somewhere has forced
us to make a strong separation in our minds between the universe and god in
order to avoid blaming god. people have wanted to believe that god is perfect,
and so they've had to believe that the evil, the destructive energy, the
imperfection that's existed in this world in the universe has not existed in
god, they've constructed in their minds an imperfect universe versus a perfect
god. someday maybe we will all understand that there is some cruel and
destructive and evil energy in goduniverse and it is our job to stand up to it
and resist it and transform it, and in doing so we are serving and helping
perhaps instead of using the word evil
in this discourse, it might bring more clarity to think of some energy as more
destructive, unpeaceful, disunifying, hurtful and negative, and to think of
other energy as more constructive, peaceful, unifying, helpful and positive.
anger, hatred and violence are obvious examples of hurtful, negative energy;
love is an obvious example, the best example, of helpful, positive energy.
since this world is in god, all the energy in this world, both negative and
positive, is also in god. i see and feel that there is much more unity than
disunity in this world and in goduniverse, and at the same time i acknowledge
that just as the unity and harmony that exists in our world exists in god and is
coming from an aspect of god that reflects god's unity, so the disunity and
disharmony that exists in our world exists in god and is coming from an aspect
of god that reflects god's disunity. there is both unity and disunity in
goduniverse - there has been, there is, and there will be, and i have faith that
the unity in god is much greater than the disunity, and that the direction of
life in this world and in every world where there's life is to greater
awareness, peace and unity.
i often contemplate the shoah, the
genocide directed against the jewish people during world war two in which
approximately six million yehudim (jews) were murdered. why did such a
horrifying event occur, what is it suggesting to us about human beings, what is
it suggesting to us about god, what lessons can we and must we learn from it and
from other genocides and wars so that history stops repeating its hideous
atrocities? some years ago when working on a previous edition of this essay, i
wrote, “while this essay is being written hundreds of thousands of people have
been brutally murdered in rwanda and dozens of wars have been raging on our
planet; we've obviously not yet learned the lessons we need to learn from the
shoah and from other horrendous crimes in human history.”
i believe genocide, war, murder, and all
crimes of violation have first of all occurred because goduniverse was unable to
prevent them when they happened, that is, they could not be prevented in
goduniverse when they happened. if i had to choose between believing in a god
who could have prevented the cruel genocides and other horrors in human history
but for some reason didn't, or simply not believing in god at all, i would
choose the latter. fortunately i have more choices; i do believe in god, just
not in a god who could have prevented genocides and other terrible events in
human history and didn't. i don't believe that god on purpose created or
preplanned the destructive, negative energy as a test for human beings in this
world, i cannot believe that god would purposefully allow so much suffering to
have occurred for the sake of any test or for any other reason. the suffering,
disunity and destruction could not have been prevented by god as it was
happening or it would have been prevented. if believing that god was unable to
prevent genocide whenever it's happened means i'm placing some kind of limit on
god, i'd rather believe in a god with some limits than believe in a god who
would ever deliberately allow such a magnitude of suffering, or ever be cruel or
angry. anger itself represents a limit because it's coming from a finite place,
not an infinite or near-infinite place, since it's directed at something it
feels is beyond itself which it's not feeling one with. i believe god is never
an angry god, and instead anger exists in god in the minds of us finite
creatures in near-infinite goduniverse. if it's limiting god in some way to
believe that god wasn't able to prevent genocide and other atrocities when
they've occurred, perhaps it's time to recognize that some limits do exist even
with regard to god, that just because god is near-infinite does not mean that
god can do everything. the energy in goduniverse is governed by laws, all the
energy in god behaves according to laws, and even if those laws change with
time, velocity or other factors, the change in those laws is also governed by
laws. when genocide or any act of violation has taken place in this world, it
is not that god wanted it or deliberately allowed it to happen, it is that god
was unable to prevent it, and we in god were unable to prevent it, we didn't
have the consciousness or the will or the ability to prevent it. as for the
killers, they were experiencing a certain level of pain and fear combined with a
certain level of ignorance that caused them to kill; their pain and ignorance
blinded them to the truth that their victims were every bit as much a part of
god as anyone else and that we must stop taking out our pain and fear on each
other. everything is evolving in this world in god including the knowledge of
god, and the tragic events of genocide, war, murder, starvation, rape, racism,
and other crimes have occurred here because the knowledge of god has not yet
been sufficiently evolved and developed. genocide, racism and all of these
crimes are diseases in god, they are diseases, and where else are these diseases
except in god, for everything is in goduniverse. the evolution of our awareness
has not yet proceeded rapidly enough to have prevented genocide and other acts
of destruction and violation in our history and in this present moment. i
believe a fundamental nature and direction in goduniverse is the expression of
unity, peace and harmony; it's just that this unity and peace does not exist
everywhere at all times and sometimes it arrives after there has been much pain
and destruction. genocide and the other calamities are like tumors attacking
god from within, it’s as if god has cancer here on our planet. so my god is not
perfect, but i still love god and want to serve god. let us drive the cancer
out of god in this world by bringing an end to genocide, war, murder,
starvation, torture, rape, the extinction and near extinction of species caused
by our carelessness and ignorance, and other calamities. at the time of this
writing millions of people have been murdered in the wars in congo, and hundreds
of thousands of people have been murdered in the genocide in darfur in sudan,
and so many wars are still raging. there’s much work to do to help heal this
world in god. may god help each of us to help ourselves and to help others.
i believe the single most important
understanding we can get from a more evolved and developed knowledge of god is
to let go of blame, knowing that everything is from near endless cause and
effect reactions, and letting go of blame will most help alleviate our worst
calamities. may we stop blaming ourselves and others. it makes sense not to
actually blame either god or human beings for the destructive, negative energy
which has existed and still exists here, for god is likely a near endless series
of cause and effect relationships, a near endless series of energy fields
affecting each other, which means that everything has been unfolding here and
everywhere the only way it could, and neither god nor anyone in god can truly be
blamed for anything. may we drop the blame and steer towards taking
responsibility now. we can drop the blame and at the same time ask for justice
where justice is needed. it would really help things now in this world for all
of us here in god to let go of the blame and at the same time to take
responsibility to act justly and to learn all the lessons we can from all the
suffering, destruction and violation so that there will come to be only less
hurtful and negative energy, and only more helpful and positive energy, and we
will come to express and reflect only more of god's unity.
there are so many things we didn't choose -
we didn't choose our genes, our faces, our brains, our parents, our species, our
planet, our sun, our conditioning in this world, etcetera, so how can there
really be room for "free will?" i don't believe in free will. every decision
we make is the only decision we could make at that time for a near endless
number of reasons, everything has happened the only way it could because of a
near endless number of cause and effect dynamics. at the same time i believe it
will help things considerably if we take responsibility now to become kinder and
more generous, etcetera. it seems like a paradox but maybe it's not. we will
become as kind and generous as we become for a near endless number of reasons,
so there's no point in credit or blame, and there is a point in aiming to take
responsibility now. only through the proper teachings and examples will our
world get better, and that's what the highest prophecy is, it's certain
teachings and examples appearing in worlds in goduniverse which help us the
living to open our minds and hearts to be more kind, to give more, to act more
justly, etcetera. may we learn from history, and let go of blame, and steer
towards responsibility, kindness, giving, justice and love.
when i look up at the stars, i am inspired
and gladdened to be a living witness to god's unity. yet there are times when i
wonder if there are many other calamities of genocide and war out there in the
history or future of other worlds of life in goduniverse, and i guess that there
probably are. in those moments, and when i also contemplate all the suffering
that's still going on in our world, i begin to question the very purpose of life
in the universe and wonder if life might be some pathetic chemical reaction on
the surface of some planets heated up by suns, and wonder if life itself
deserves to be placed on that exalted pedestal and center stage we are fond of
placing it on. there are times when i've thought that suns, and not life, might
occupy the center stage in goduniverse, that suns might even have some form of
self-awareness and might be communicating with each other through sun-spot
cycles or however. suns are so awesome, they are a splendid example of god's
unity in their nuclear fusion process in which hydrogen nuclei fuse into helium
atoms, releasing tremendous amounts of energy as a fraction of the mass of these
uniting nuclei converts into various forms of energy including the sunlight and
heat that sustains all life. our sun converts about four million tons of matter
into energy every second. back to the subject of life...the light returns and i
realize that however remarkable suns might be, life, with its incredibly complex
cellular and molecular structure, and with all its feelings and awareness or
potential awareness, is also so awesome, such a miracle. it's coming from
ignorance and despair to put life down - my job is to believe in life and to
help life, starting with myself and continuing with others. a brother named
medicine story wrote, “love is life believing in itself.” yes, and love is
having pleasure in accepting, in accepting life first of all, beginning with
oneself. life is an incredible miracle in a near-infinite goduniverse that has
no center stage, that has a near-infinite number of centers instead of one. and
even if in each world with life there might be much pain before peace is born,
as has been the case in our world, let's regard that pain as the birth pains of
a world that will soon have much more love and peace, and let's believe in life,
and believe in love and peace, and believe in the basic oneness, the basic unity
of god. it is not only us who need god's help, it is also god who needs our
help. so let's love god and be as doctors to god and dedicate our lives to
serving god by protecting life here in this world in goduniverse, by working for
peace and by giving and sharing, for goduniverse is one.
everything in this world is evolving
including our knowledge of god. more and more of the truth will emerge with
time. and what is the truth? the most important truth is that knowledge and
those understandings which will ultimately make all of us happier, not make some
of us happier at the expense of others, but sooner or later make all of us
happier. peace comes about as teachings are born which reveal more truth about
god and about us in god. replacing hurtful energy with helpful energy and
building a world of peace is very much a matter of proper education and
example. teaching about god's unity, that god includes all of us, that each of
us is just as much a part of god and a center in god, and approaching each other
with respect, non-violence, and kindness will bring much positive change to our
world. may i try to help and not to hurt.
the birds chirping their morning song, the
sun rising and setting, the light of numerous stars reaching my eyes after
traveling so very far, everything i see and hear and smell and taste and touch
is in god and of god. looking into the night sky filled with stars is gazing
into the face, the mind, the essence of god, as is looking around at all the
faces and the various forms of life and other things here on godseed earth.
looking into the eyes of a fellow human being
can provide such a strong feeling of connection with god. we can experience
more connection with each other than with anything else in god. and we're
connected somehow to everything in god for god is full of connections.
everything is connected in god in ways we can hardly begin to comprehend or
as for a final cosmological answer, how can i
or anyone here know god's ways? we can only speculate and share our visions,
and hopefully all learn to tolerate and appreciate each other more in the
process. each of us has intimate feelings one way or another concerning the
subject of god. let us create circles of tolerance where we can sit together
and share our visions and questions about god, and really listen to each other
and respect where each person is coming from and treat each other kindly and
have faith that more of the truth that will unite us will emerge with time and
that each of us is contributing to the emergence of that truth.
brother carl sagan wrote, “the total number
ofstars in the universe is greater than all the grains of sand on all
the beaches of the planet earth.” goduniverse is so awesome. god is one. god
is great. god is energy, as much energy as there can possibly be, and with that
energy comes consciousness. i believe that the universe, even if it's not
actually endless, is as close to endless as anything can possibly be, and is
therefore my god. goduniverse is as near-infinite as whatever can possibly be,
it is whatever can possibly be now, and it is my god.
and we certainly have a purpose and a
direction in god. fixing ourselves more and fixing our world more is our most
important work. helping to generate more of god's light and healing unity on
godseed earth is our holiest responsibility. may we all love each other in god,
and all love god. we are many we are one.
note: different astronomical sources often
cite different statistics, and some statistics are also changing with time, so i
cannot vouch for the accuracy of all the statistics mentioned in this essay.