israel, answer
your critics, many of whom openly or secretly hate you.
they say, "stop
the settlements," and they do not say "stop the 'honor' killings," they prefer
not to talk about "honor" killings, so they would impose a "peace" that does not
begin at home, and we need to understand that true peace must begin at home.
arabs need to make a deep and lasting peace with their mothers, daughters and
sisters before they can make a deep and lasting peace with their jewish
neighbors, yet a large majority of arab mustlims still support "honor" killings
at the time of this writing. israel's critics are mostly too afraid to talk
about and condemn "honor" killings, clitorectomies (that is, female castration),
stonings for adultery, etc., and so they would impose a "peace" that would not
be true or deep or lasting because it does not begin at home and may never deal
with issues at home.
and they say
"stop the settlements." yet there are arab villages all across israel, so why
can't there be jewish villages in what yehudim (jews) have for more than
3,000 years called yehuda vayshamron (that is, judea and samaria,
otherwise known as the west bank). and since building and natural growth is
allowed and happening in the arab villages in israel, then to disallow or
advocate against building and natural growth in the jewish villages in judea and
samaria is racist. many of your critics throughout much of your history have
had a racist dislike of you, israel. some unfair demands of some of israel's
critics sometimes come from a hatred of yehudim that looks upon them as a
threatening, cancerous growth. then there are other critics who simply
misunderstand the conflict and see it as mostly territorial instead of as mostly
religious, cultural and ethnic. don't appease your critics, israel, stand up to
them, answer them. insist on your right to natural growth in your jewish
villages in yehuda vayshamron, a right which arabs exercise in their
villages in israel.
and bnei
israel (children of israel), yehudim, you have a natural right to
live in yehuda vayshamron, you have a natural right to live in eretz
israel (the land of israel) - tell this proudly to yourselves and to the
nations. and do not agree to any palestinian state in eretz israel
being judenrein (literally, "clean of jews"). some of your critics at
the time of this writing would create three judenrein palestinian states
along your borders, one being the state of jordan which is mostly palestinian
arab and is several times the size of israel, another being a palestinian state
in judea and samaria ruled by the palestinian authority, and a third being a
palestinian state in gaza ruled by hamas, and all three would be judenrein
as jordan and gaza presently are. bnei israel, do not take down any
more of your communities, do not dismantle any more of your villages in eretz
israel. stop trying to appease your critics and enemies by agreeing to
their judenrein agenda. there are so many arabs living in israel;
yehudim certainly have a right to live in yehuda vayshamron in
eretz israel.
the arab-israeli
conflict is not mostly about territory or “settlements”. in 1967 before the six-day
war, when judea and samaria were ruled by jordan and there were no jewish
villages there, arabs still threatened to drive israel into the sea. in 2005
when israel evacuated all its villages in gaza, this only intensified the
hostility of gaza arabs for israel. the arab-israeli conflict is first and
foremost about jihad, a word and concept that some of israel's western critics
are very reluctant to refer to or to criticize. this conflict is further fueled
by the "honor" killings culture in arab muslim society which prevents a peace
that can begin at home, where every deep and lasting peace must begin. and the
conflict is additionally fueled by all the negative references to yehudim
in islamic texts.
the six most
important things to put on the agenda in peace negotiations between israelis and
arabs that would lead to the creation of a palestinian arab state at peace with
the jewish state of israel are 1) both sides mutually letting go of blame, 2)
stopping "honor" killings, 3) stopping jihad killings, 4) dealing with insulting
and hateful references about yehudim in islamic texts, 5) stopping all
racist incitement, and 6) finding a solution concerning the temple mount.
yehudim and people of all faiths need to be
allowed to pray peacefully on the temple mount. bnei israel can someday
reconstruct the meeshkahn (the tabernacle) and place it on the temple
mount alongside the mosque. let us share this vision now with ourselves and
with our arab neighbors and with all human beings.
israel, be
patient. do not rush into an unreliable and untrue "peace." let us see how the
oslo accords and the gaza disengagement blew up in our faces and let us
understand why. a deep and lasting peace that begins at home and with education
for an end to racist incitement and for both sides mutually letting go of blame
will take several generations to create. do not be fooled by the formula of
"land for peace," for that only legitimizes violence, it says, "if you don't
give us this (disputed) land then we have a legitimate right to be violent with
you and to kill you." seek peace for peace, not land for peace. let there be
peace for peace, and then maybe we can talk about land.
let's put things
in perspective. look at how much more the world and its leaders and media are
presently talking about the so-called "israeli settlements" than about darfur,
congo, and the other mass killing fields of our time. this is because of anti-yehudimism,
and it's a shame. let's grow up and stop hating yehudim. let's stop
hating and start loving. and let's really come to the aid of the victims of our
world's worst atrocities, including mass murder, mass rape, and starvation -
let's insist that these atrocities stop.